
Natural gas - clean, convenient, competitive

Personal service, competitive pricing 

Our prices take into account the needs of our customers as well as different types of fuel and energy solutions.

We consider both, gas-gas and gas-oil competition, customers can choose to buy gas on the basis of a Price Formula or at a Fixed Price.


Price formula

  • Fixed merchant mark-up + TTF Stock Price
  • TTF price changes every month
  • Save by adjusting consumption according to the following prices
  • There is no early termination fee
  • Low stock price – lower payment, high stock price – higher payment


Fixed price

  • Fixed price for the duration of the contract
  • Price can be fixed for 1-3 years
  • Protects against market price volatility
  • Easily plan costs in the long term


Service of supply of last resort

Request a quote:


TTF price, EUR/MWh

ICE TTF natural gas index settlement price for the given month, calculated as the arithmetic average daily settlement price of the given month’s future during the preceding month, EUR/MWh

How to conclude a gas sales agreement?

New customer with prior gas network agreement:

  • Choose new supplier by the 15th of the month.
  • Elenger will inform the distribution system operator of the new choice.
  • Old agreement will be terminated by the end of the month.
  • New agreement will be activated on the 1st of next month.

Send enquiry

New customer without prior gas network agreement:

  • Choose supplier.
  • Activation of agreement same day as network agreement.
  • Elenger will inform distribution system operator.

Apply for new gas connection

Important information about switching users in a gasified facility

To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and unexpected changes in ownership / use rights, please note the following:

1. The former owner / user and the new owner / user of the real estate (gas) shall record the actual reading of the gas meter;
2. At the time of transfer – acceptance of the real estate, both parties must complete and sign the Commercial Accounting Record Fixation Act.
3. The former owner / user shall submit a read-out statement to his Merchant for termination of the gas trade agreement and receipt of payment for the services;
4. The new owner / user must enter into a gas sales contract with the Trader of his choice with a readout deed.

What changes when you choose a new supplier?

What is included in natural gas invoice?


Guaranteed Supply

From 1 April 2018 until 30 April 2020 “Elenger” SIA was the provider of the Final Guaranteed Supply service for non-household customers in Latvia.

Pursuant to Cabinet Regulation No. 78 “Rules of Usage and Trade of Natural Gas”, the final guaranteed supply shall be ensured in the following cases:

  • If the user of natural gas has concluded a natural gas trade agreement with neither trader.
  • If the current trader of the user of natural gas has terminated trade in natural gas.
  • As well as in other cases provided by Cabinet Regulation No. 78 „Rules of Usage and Trade of Natural Gas

In these cases upon receiving natural gas it is sold for the price that is determined on the basis of price alterations in “Gaspool” natural gas exchange and by adding trader’s surcharge.

More about the Final Guaranteed Sypply service provider you can read in the system operator AS Gaso website.

Natural gas price of the final guaranteed supply:


The transmission system service charge for the exit point of the supply to users in Latvia, the charge for the natural gas distribution system service, as well as natural gas excise tax and value added tax shall apply additionally to the price of the final guaranteed supply service pursuant to the effective laws and regulations.

Related documents:

Advantages of natural gas

High calorific value and environmentally friendly. Most affordable source of energy in initial investment and running costs. Modern gas boilers are fully automated and built to be safe and efficient. No harmful combustion residues only carbon dioxide and water vapour. Transportation through pipelines not trucks helps reduce air pollution.

Gas for heating

  • High calorific value and environmentally friendlier.
  • Most affordable source of energy in initial investment and running costs.
  • Modern gas boilers are fully automated and built to be safe and efficient.
  • No harmful combustion residues, only carbon dioxide and water vapour.
  • Transportation through pipelines not trucks helps reduce air pollution.

Natural gas in industry and production

Gas for industry

  • Can be used in different industrial processes e.g in glass and building materials industry.
  • Calorific value is around 10.5 kWh/m3, while maximum combustion temperature is over 2100 ° C.
  • Enables flexible consumption.
  • Off-grid options – if pipeline is not available a liquefied natural gas (LNG) tank with regasification unit can be installed.
  • Enables the automation of combustion processes, achieves the desired combustion temperatures quickly and reliably.

Natural gas for marine and in-land transportation

Gas in transport

  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG) for sea transport and international road haulage.
  • Compressed natural gas (CNG) for land transport.
  • EU goals: CNG filling stations at least every 150 km and LNG stations at least every 400 km by 2025.

Contact us


Request a quote

Customer support
Monday - Thursday 9:00-18:00
Friday 9:00-17:00

+371 6000 6100