Time to choose a better gas supplier
Get an offer for your house heating!
From May 1st the Latvian household gas market will be fully opened and Elenger will start offering gas for home heating.
We will very soon publish our offering on this site. Until then, please leave your contacts to receive a quotation from us and we will get back to you in due time.
Why choose Elenger?
1. Our gas is clean – it comes from the west, with tankers. We bring LNG directly from the source, our main partner is Equinor from Norway. Last year we bought 5 shiploads of LNG of Norwegian and US origin for our customers, this year we will bring at least 10 cargoes.
2. We guarantee a 100% supply security. Elenger is the only gas seller in our region who has secured capacity in both LNG terminals – Klaipeda in Lithuania and Inkoo in Finland.
3. Elenger is the biggest private energy company in our region, our sales portfolio is at par with the total gas consumption of Latvia. Bigger sales volumes mean stronger position in negotiations with gas suppliers and eventually better terms for our customers.
4. We have been selling gas to Latvian business consumers for over five years. Several large district heating companies as well as industries have trusted their gas supply to us. So can you!