
Conscious consumption protects the environment and saves money


  • Choose the right system. When building a heating system, consult a specialist so that the installed boiler has the optimal capacity.
  • Make technology work for you. Today’s boilers have modern control automation. Take advantage of the possibilities of technology, for example, set the machine so that the room temperature is a few degrees lower when you are sleeping or when you are not at home. Each reduced degree saves approx. 5% of heating costs.
  • Set the room temperature as needed. Every degree of room temperature costs money. Nobody wants to catch a cold at home, but maybe you don’t necessarily need to be able to go barefoot either. Be patient when turning the radiator thermostat, any change in temperature takes time.
  • Adjust the boiler temperature. Lower the temperature of the heated domestic water when it is not in use anyway. This way you can avoid heating the water for nothing.
  • Turn off the floor heating in the bathroom when you leave the house for a long time. Lower the temperature at night. In the case of electric floor heating, it is reasonable and convenient to use a timer for this purpose.
  • Let the heat circulate. Do not place cabinets or shelves in front of the radiator, as this prevents the heat from moving from there.
  • Let the winter cold stay outside. Lower the blinds when it gets dark. In this way, the glass does not blow cold into the room.
  • Even the summer heat should stay outside. On a hot summer day, it is wise to keep the blinds and curtains in front – the sun does not heat up the room, and the air conditioner does not have to work as hard to cool it down. It is effective to use special sun-reflecting window coverings. If possible, it would be worthwhile to think about window shutters installed outside, as southern Europeans have done. On a hot day, the hatches are kept in front so that the scorching sun does not heat up the window panes and the room.
  • Check door and window structures and seals to prevent heat loss. Make sure that the windows and doors close properly. If necessary, adjust the hinges and fasteners. Replace old, worn and broken seals.
  • Ventilate the room correctly! Open the windows fully for a short time. The lower the temperature outside, the faster the air exchange.
  • Have the heater maintenanced at least once a year. An unmaintained boiler has a higher temperature of outgoing flue gases and also energy consumption. In addition, an unmaintained heating device can endanger both people’s health and property.


  • Know your consumption habits and compare offers to choose the most suitable electricity package for you. When deciding, keep in mind what your daily and nightly consumption is, whether the offered electricity package has monthly or other additional charges.  Don’t forget to compare network packages too!
  • Monitor the price of electricity and do energy-intensive work at a cheaper time. This is especially important for an exchange-based package. You can follow the hourly energy prices HERE.
  • When replacing home appliances, prefer appliances with a higher energy class. Make sure they meet your needs. A large TV is gorgeous, but it consumes more energy and also requires a larger space for comfortable viewing. Also, for example, a desktop computer consumes more energy than a laptop. You can get information about the energy efficiency of the devices from the corresponding European Commission energy label products database HERE.
  • Change the lights to more economical ones. LED lights consume less energy. Turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  • Unplug the devices when you are not using them. Even in the default state, devices consume electricity. Therefore, when going to bed or leaving home, pull unnecessary plugs (TV, computer) out of the wall.
  • Do not charge your phone overnight. When the phone is full, unplug it. You save both battery and electricity.
  • Set the refrigerator to a slightly higher temperature, not too cold. Before opening the door, think about what you need from the cupboard and take them all out quickly. Every door opening lets heat in, and the refrigerator has to use more energy to cool. Never put warm food in the refrigerator.
    When purchasing a new device, it is important to ensure that it meets your needs in terms of capacity. It should be large enough to fit things and allow air to move between the foods. At the same time, it should not be so large that you have to spend energy to cool the empty space. By the way, the food in the cupboard helps to maintain a cool temperature. They act as a kind of cooling battery.
  • When washing clothes, prefer a lower temperature, because this way you save the energy spent on heating the water. Dry the laundry on a drying rack or outdoors instead of using a dryer.
  • When cooking on an electric stove, choose a heating plate of suitable size. Put a lid on the pot so it boils faster. Turn off the stove a little before the final cooking of the food, taking advantage of the residual heat of the stove. The same goes for the oven.


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